Thursday, 23 April 2020

Laura Comfort - Interview

Laura Comfort

Clown Magazine:

 It's been a longtime Laura Comfort since your last interview with Clown Magazine, what have you been doing?

Laura Comfort:

Well that's a big question. I haven't seen you in a few years, so where shall I start?

Response from Clown Magazine: 

                                                       at the top, please...

Laura Comfort: 

                                     Supporting Steven Tyler in a festival in America.

Response from Clown Magazine: 

Wow! The great vocalist Steven Tyler of Aerosmith! Rock On! 

Laura Comfort: 

...some big stages and that was after my Don't Ignore Me album...

Response from Clown Magazine: 

Laura Comfort: 

...after that I was working on a new album called, Now I Know, released last year [2019].

Response from Clown Magazine: 

please continue...

Laura Comfort - Interview with Clown Magazine

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Laura Comfort:

That did very well. I toured with Cafe Nero all over the country, zig-zagging from Leeds to Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester...

Response from Clown Magazine: 

...seeing the sights of England! 

Laura Comfort: 

...and then I ended up [with] the Club Mix with the title track Now I Know [which] was Number 10 in the Club Charts...

Response from Clown Magazine:

...getting cool, with the Clubsters! 

Laura Comfort: 

...and the previous year I was Number 16 in the Club Charts and the year before that Number 18 in the Club Charts.

Response from Clown Magazine:

...improving as you go along!

Laura Comfort:

Those were the biggest moments over the last few years. 

Clown Magazine:

Elaborate further on current projects? 

Laura Comfort:

I'm sure we'll have some more exciting support slots. Maybe some festivals in the summer.

Response from Clown Magazine:
car crash moment...

CORONAVIRUS has hit the world!

Laura Comfort: 

Maybe I'll do a Christmas single....

Response from Clown Magazine:

Hopefully the coronavirus pandemic may have eased for Christmas?

Laura Comfort:

...maybe a kids album too actually.

Response from Clown Magazine:

Have you got a big [personal] announcement?

Laura Comfort:

I just had twins in November last year! 

Response from Clown Magazine:


Laura Comfort:

So, while I was touring I was pregnant, it was a great distraction. The pregnancy was fine and now I have two beautiful babies. 

So, I have been busy these last few months.

So who knows, I can get inspired and write some childrens songs as well.

Response from Clown Magazine:

Yeah! Your children can do the backing vocals.

Clown Magazine:

Is there anything creatively you want to do or achieve? 

Laura Comfort:

For me it's all about furthering my creative dreams and the spontaneity and not really knowing what the future holds. 

But we all love to work with amazing producers and artists and stages and if you connect with the audience, whether on a big stage or a small stage, it's a wonderful thing...

Response from Clown Magazine:

...need to whip-up the crowd,
is always cool!

Laura Comfort:

...and to me songwriting is a therapeutic process and its a bit autobiographical, so its a nice way of putting your experiences and emotions to express then through songs. 

Response from Clown Magazine:

poetry to our ears!

Clown Magazine: 

Would you spend all of your life in a city in the desert, or would you trek into the unknown? 

Laura Comfort:

I love to travel the world. I don't necessarily like to stay in one place. I love London. London is my home and the perfect hub. 

I love to explore the world and different cultures. It is inspiring for lyrics and for me having that spontaneity and to be able to explore the world is probably what I would choose above staying in one city for the rest of my life.

Response from Clown Magazine:

...taking a risk, we like it! 

Clown Magazine: 

The last word is yours...

Laura Comfort:

I guess what most artists say is to be true to yourself and follow your dreams. 

Just have patience, have conviction, have passion and perseverance and stick with it and don't listen to what other people say, but follow your heart and see where it leads you. 

Response from Clown Magazine:

The best way to achieve things in life!

Clown Magazine:

er... have you forgotten something? 

Laura Comfort:

Promote the album. I kinda forgot that! [Laughs]

[All of us laughing!]

Response from Clown Magazine:

please carry on...

Laura Comfort:

Promoting my new album, Now I Know and is out on Amazon and iTunes, is an acoustic-pop album with emotive love songs and it was great fun writing it and singing it and we had a great tour last year to promote it. 

Response from Clown Magazine:

don't let us stop you...

Laura Comfort: 

We had an EP out last year of several mixes from Bimbo Jones and they are amazing and they are a sort of dance duo and they've worked with Britany Spears and tons of other amazing acts. 

They worked there magic and I was Number 10 in the UK Club Charts last year [in 2019], so that  was very exciting.

So, I will be promoting my club mixes, so stay tuned and see you on stage. 

Response from Clown Magazine:

...stop teasing us, anything else?

Laura Comfort:

So yes, if you want to find me on iTunes or Amazon, or YouTube. Got a video out now for Now I Know and the club mix is Number 10 in the Club Charts, so its been an exciting year and there's more to come!

Clown Magazine:

Thank you to Laura Comfort
Filmed at Bar Concerto with thanks
Clown Magazine
Clown Television production
All Rights Reserved 2020

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