Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Your Demise - Ignorance Never Dies - Album Release

Your Demise gives you an idea, things can go down until there is nothing, but what would you be left with? Ignorance Never Dies!

I suppose a band that has had quite a ride since they formed way-back in 2003 [this album was originally released in 2009], and have just released their debut album, you have to salute their girt, dirt, and bareknuckle persistence.

You may think it took a longtime in getting released that somehow this band isn't all that good?

Check out this cool record player turntable

Fair comment, but what I've been head banging to for the past forty minutes don't come by from being bad, yes, they are a heavy metal band, and the music has many different angles to their songs, and tempos.

Your Demise very cleverly fused the first track and second so well that you beg for more!

Hopefully there will be a second coming.




Dylan Thompson 

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