Sunday, 1 May 2022

Potential Threat SF - Civilization Under Threat - Album Review

One could be forgiven to assume that when a band called Potential Threat SF, and write good solid songs like Day of Infamy, Enemy Within are a breed of bands that see the world as it is or could be.

Coming into recent times Potential Threat SF release Civilization Under Threat continues with their brand of well-crafted heavy metal songs of the same nature such as The Threat of Things to Come, Behold the End and Rise of the Apocalypse, gives you an idea of what's on this album.

This power metal trio, which expanded a few years ago to a four piece and are now legendary veterans, are very good, and I like many of us in our office wonder why such talent doesn’t get recognised more.
So, if your taste leans to the heavy side then you’ll like what these guys do, and do it well!

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